Talking About Money Blog
occassional reflections on what money means in our lives.
What Does Money Mean To You?
Coming to the realization of what money means to you will free you to achieve your financial goals in a way that works for you.
Why You Don’t Like to Talk About Money and What to Do About It
There are real reasons why you don’t like to talk about money, and there are real ways to get unstuck.
What is the Difference Between Financial Counseling and Coaching?
Understanding the difference between financial counseling and financial coaching can save you precious time and set you on the right path towards financial wellness.
Diversity in Thinking About Money
If you are having trouble connecting with others in your thoughts about money, consider if neurodiversity (yours or theirs) is the cause.
Get Rid of Your Student Debt, and Get on with Your Life
Use the improvements that the Biden administration is making to the student loan repayment system to create a plan to get rid of your student debt and get on with your life.
How to Avoid Going into Debt
Through reflection and analysis, there are ways to avoid the debt trap.
Does Professional Coaching Really Work?
While professional coaching is immensely popular as a trend in the self-development world, does it really work?
We Should All Be Advocates
Advocacy needs to be a part of your financial capability practice, as it is just as important as financial counseling and education.
The Challenges of Attaining - and Staying in - the Middle Class
As opposed to the past, it is increasingly more difficult to gain a foothold up the economic ladder – and stay there.
Money Well Spent
Sometimes people make seemingly poor money decisions for all the right reasons.
Family Financial Security: An Origin Story
In a way, whiskey played a direct role in fostering my family’s financial security.
Income vs. Wealth; Expenses vs. Investments
Income and expenses sure do look an awful lot like wealth and investments (they call all be represented by dollar bills, after all), but they are not alike. And the difference matters to your clients’ financial security.
We Need to Talk About the Benjamin's
Wealth building for disadvantaged communities needs to be front-and-center of the work of the nonprofit sector.
Maggie Walker, The First Woman to Charter a Bank
Maggie Walker was ahead of her time as an African American woman in creating a bank for her community and greater opportunities for women.
Talking About Money Book Club: We Should All Be Millionaires, by Rachel Rogers
“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” ~Henry David Thoreau
How Learning About Money is Like Learning to Skate
Like the alchemy of creating a new substance, there are necessary factors that need to be present in learning about money…and in learning to ice skate.
The Time for a Wage Increase is Now
With employers suddenly caught on their back foot by The Great Resignation, now might be the time for your clients to seek out (and get!) the compensation they deserve for a job well done.