Talking About Money Blog
occassional reflections on what money means in our lives.
Get Rid of Your Student Debt, and Get on with Your Life
Use the improvements that the Biden administration is making to the student loan repayment system to create a plan to get rid of your student debt and get on with your life.
We Should All Be Advocates
Advocacy needs to be a part of your financial capability practice, as it is just as important as financial counseling and education.
The Challenges of Attaining - and Staying in - the Middle Class
As opposed to the past, it is increasingly more difficult to gain a foothold up the economic ladder – and stay there.
The Time for a Wage Increase is Now
With employers suddenly caught on their back foot by The Great Resignation, now might be the time for your clients to seek out (and get!) the compensation they deserve for a job well done.
Unions for Financial Security
The worker protections offered through collective bargaining by labor unions can help support enhanced financial security for your clients and your community.
Your Reputation, Your Career, Your Finances
Striving in your career is seen as necessary for experiencing success, but what if all that hard work leads to your demise? What happens to your finances as a result?
No Fair Play in the Credit Score Game
While having a strong credit profile is a key component to unlocking the doors of wealth building opportunities, it is important to understand that even with the best personal financial management, credit scoring algorithms appear to disadvantage certain customers.
The Luxury of Being Able to Take It for Granted
What if the United States enacted policies that supported people’s financial well-being and that were so clearly the right thing to do that people took them for granted?
Talking About Money Book Club: How the South Won the Civil War, by Heather Cox Richardson
How the South Won the Civil War provides an alternative look at the time period after (and before) the Civil War, and explains how the determination of a few led to their ever-growing wealth while leaving most everyone else behind.
Refugee vs Migrant vs Immigrant vs Expatriate
Who you are – and where you are – can impact your ability to achieve financial security.
Why You Need to Care About Voting
As a financial capability professional, not only do you provide direct service to your clients, you also promote financial stability among all of the households in your community. And part of promoting financial stability is supporting the ability to freely cast a vote for your elected officials.
Putting Your Families Front and Center
The American Families Plan proposes wide-reaching protections to increase educational outcomes, provide subsidies to households caring for the young and/or sick, and make permanent tax credits that serve working families. What could your families achieve with a more fortified social safety net?
Universal Childcare: We Can Do It (Because Once Upon a Time, We Did It)
Working families deserve safe, affordable, and high-quality childcare, now more than ever. And the solution is right there in the history books.
The Role of Health Coverage in Financial Wellness
Without making some changes to the existing American health care system, your clients will continue to have one more obstacle between them and their financial goals.
Baby Bonds: The "Sourdough Starter" of Asset Building
Baby Bonds are a straightforward solution to the complex problem of trying to foster greater economic mobility sooner rather than later in an individual’s life.
The Biden/Harris Commitment to Asset Building and Financial Capability
There are a lot of reasons why a Biden/Harris administration might support the advancement of asset building and financial capability efforts of American’s hardworking families.
Talking About Money Podcast Club: More Than Enough
What would it look like if the United States believed enough in the deservedness of all of its people to provide a foundational monthly income?