Talking About Money Blog
occassional reflections on what money means in our lives.
The Trick that Seems Impossible, or the Magic of Compound Interest
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it; he who doesn't pays it." ~Albert Einstein
Unions for Financial Security
The worker protections offered through collective bargaining by labor unions can help support enhanced financial security for your clients and your community.
Your Reputation, Your Career, Your Finances
Striving in your career is seen as necessary for experiencing success, but what if all that hard work leads to your demise? What happens to your finances as a result?
No Fair Play in the Credit Score Game
While having a strong credit profile is a key component to unlocking the doors of wealth building opportunities, it is important to understand that even with the best personal financial management, credit scoring algorithms appear to disadvantage certain customers.
Fostering Trust in a Virtual World
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. ~Ernest Hemingway
Battling Burnout and Reengaging with the "Why" of Your Work
Helping professionals like you might be feeling the effects of burnout after this year+ pandemic. Let’s band together to lift each other up.
The Luxury of Being Able to Take It for Granted
What if the United States enacted policies that supported people’s financial well-being and that were so clearly the right thing to do that people took them for granted?
Harnessing Social Comparison for the Power of Good
Utilizing aspects of social comparison theory can provide your clients with the motivation they need to reach farther and attain goals beyond their wildest dreams.
Talking About Money Book Club: How the South Won the Civil War, by Heather Cox Richardson
How the South Won the Civil War provides an alternative look at the time period after (and before) the Civil War, and explains how the determination of a few led to their ever-growing wealth while leaving most everyone else behind.
Refugee vs Migrant vs Immigrant vs Expatriate
Who you are – and where you are – can impact your ability to achieve financial security.
Why You Need to Care About Voting
As a financial capability professional, not only do you provide direct service to your clients, you also promote financial stability among all of the households in your community. And part of promoting financial stability is supporting the ability to freely cast a vote for your elected officials.
To Niche or Not to Niche, That it the Question
The goal of niching your business is to attract the exact right customers who will most appreciate the special talents that you have to share. Doesn’t that sound lovely?
Putting Your Families Front and Center
The American Families Plan proposes wide-reaching protections to increase educational outcomes, provide subsidies to households caring for the young and/or sick, and make permanent tax credits that serve working families. What could your families achieve with a more fortified social safety net?
How To Achieve Any Financial Goal
Simple -- but not easy -- this one step will clear the path for you to achieve your financial goals.
The Invisibility of Safety Nets
If you have a safety net, you do not realize that others do not have one. If you do not have a safety net, you cannot fathom how others get them. And that’s a problem.
Anyone Can Learn Personal Finance
With careful preparation and program design, you can ensure that all your clients can indeed learn personal finance, even those “I don’t do math” types.
What If...
What if every woman was allowed to work at her highest and best potential? What would that world look like, to men and women alike?
Their Success is Your Success
While this slow-and-steady process might feel at first like it’s not going to work, using coaching techniques ensures that your clients baked-in learning wins the race.