Talking About Money Blog
occassional reflections on what money means in our lives.
Financial Counseling, Coaching, and Planning: What's the Difference and Why It Matters
When you use the right tool for the job, everyone wins.
5 Steps Essential to Fighting Burnout in Financial Capability Professionals
To ensure that financial capability professionals will be there for their clients for the long term, you need to consider how to best take care of your mind, body, and professional life today.
Client Ghosting You after the First Appointment? Coaching Might be the Solution
Coaching is a specific professional skill whereby the coach partners with the client through a creative and thoughtful process – over a series of multiple sessions – that inspires the client to reach their goals and achieve their potential.
Let's Push the Envelope on Financial Capability Professional Development
Through the continuous improvement of training and development for financial capability professionals, the knowledge that you acquire and the skills that you gain will lead to improved outcomes for the hard-working households that you are committed to serve.
Why Talking About Money Is Not Enough
While as a financial capability professional work tirelessly to serve the needs of individuals in your communities, it is also vital that you take time to support federal legislation that aims to level the playing field for all working Americans.
Why You Need to Celebrate Both Beginnings and Endings
To truly provide a transformative experience, you need to celebrate the beginning and the ending of the journey for your participants.
A Brief History of Asset Building Policy in the United States 1929-2019
To better understand where we are, it is good to know how we got here.
To Coach, or Not To Coach, That is the Question
Coaching is a powerful tool, but only when used in the right situation for the right reasons.
How To Get People To Do What You Want Them To Do (In 3 Simple Steps!)
By consistently following these three steps you will see success beyond your wildest dreams.
Why We Need to Talk About Money
Talking about money benefits both your clients and yourself. Because this is a long, long career that you have chosen and you want to do the most good for the most people (and you should be one of those people!).
Why Professionalism Matters: The Impact of My Financial Fitness Coach® Training with the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE®)
Working with credentialed personal finance professionals insures that you are receiving high quality services from people who are committed to their work, ethical conduct and lifelong learning.